Novodog Ovulation Sticks (10 count) were developed for breeders and dog owners who are planning a litter. Some bitches have very light seasons and it can be difficult to know when they are ovulating and when the most favorable time for mating is present. Most bitches are ovulating between 10 and 14 days after the start of their season but some bitches can ovulate as early as day 5 and as late as day 21.
The optimal mating time is 2 days after ovulation, which can be hard to determine without an indication. These Ovulation Sticks can help you determine when the optimum time for mating should take place. Ovulation Sticks are cheap, easy and less stressful for your bitch.
You can use Ovulation Sticks if:
- You have to travel far with your bitch.
- Earlier seasons have been irregular.
- The Bitch has not been pregnant in spite of mating.
- The Bitch is going to be mated with an inexperienced dog.
- You know that artificial insemination is necessary.
How does it work? NovoDog Ovulation Sticks measure directly on the enzymes that are affected when the level of glucose in the bitch is increasing. They indirectly measure the level of estrogen, as these go hand in hand. There are several hormones that help to regulate the season cycle and the subsequent pregnancy. Estrogen: stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs. Luteinizing hormone LH: stimulates the ovaries to release the egg. Progesterone: Maintains pregnancy. Dogs are ovulating when levels of estrogen and LH are declining and progesterone is rising. Be aware that fresh semen is viable for 5 to 7 days.
How to use NovoDog Ovulation sticks
- Wipe the vulva area clean and wipe away any excess blood.
- Slightly open the vulva and gently place a Stick about 1/2 inch inside. Place the stick sideways with the pink surface in the vulva.
- Hold the Ovulation Stick in place for about 10 seconds.
- Remove the Ovulation Stick and please note whether it has been wet by the fluid from the vagina.
- Read the results immediately and compare the results on the images below if you are unsure.
Be aware. The NovoDog Ovulation Sticks will change color when estrogen levels are high. A few days prior to ovulation the estrogen level decreases and the Ovulation Sticks will show no change or just a very little change. An example of the process could be:
- Start testing the bitch from the beginning of her season.
- The Ovulation Stick will change color when the estrogen level is increasing. Then you know that the bitch will ovulate within 2 to 7 days.
- The estrogen level falls and the Ovulation Stick does not change color or maybe just slightly. Then you know that the bitch is ovulating within the next few days.
- The optimal mating time is approximately 2 days thereafter.
To store NovoDog Ovulation Sticks correctly – Important.
- To ensure that your Ovulation Sticks test correctly, it is important that they are not being exposed to moisture or sunlight.
- Please also note that you do not touch / put your fingers on the pink “test pad”.
- Ovulation Sticks have a limited validity. Proper storage extends this.
- You can expect approx. 1 year of validity. This is not guaranteed.
- You should always keep your NovoDog Ovulation Sticks in original packaging.